Alumni Association - GEC Rajkot (AAG)

Alumni Association is a vital and inseparable component in the sustainable growth of any institute. Its role is to offer a strong foundation for creating a concrete platform and student-friendly environment as well as to connect alumni and students enthusiastically for long term collaboration.
Alumni Association of GEC-Rajkot (AAG) is working in-line with its Vision, Mission, and Objectives with the motto of 'Bridging the Gaps…'. AAG, with enormous support from its core team members, students, and alumni, is gradually reaching its every alumnus and virtually bringing all of them back to the institute as well as efficiently connecting them to all current year students using various social media publicity and events through a variety of communication mediums.
Although AAG is in its initial years yet it has proved its rapid growth by becoming renowned for its novel, innovative and collaborating activities as well as achieving important milestones like Documentation and Registration of the Association, Setting up a dedicated AAG office with adequate furniture facility, regular official Alumni Meets, Felicitation Ceremony, Webinars through online Expert Talk Series, Book Donation Drive, Talent Hunt, and newly launched initiative – an Android App. One of the crucial aspects of all the activities carried out by AAG is it is a kind of collaborative activity that not only involves Alumni but also encourages participation of present students, especially bringing all on a common platform.
We, the Team AAG-GEC Rajkot, are committed to providing the spark for igniting the fire within each member of the association to help, contribute, and serve for the betterment of student fraternity.
It is just a beginning to the memorable journey to the next level of success and for setting up the milestones for the next generations of students to come.
Stay Connected, Keep Learning & Contributing . . .
Alumni Association of Government Engineering College, Rajkot
Objectives of Alumni Association – GECR (AAG)
- To keep a record of all Alumni of college and their significant data.
- Maintaining the updated and current information of all Alumni.
- To promote close relations among the Alumni.
- To encourage a persistent sense of belonging to the Alma Mater among the Alumni by being in regular contact with them.
- To supply and publicize information regarding their Alma Mater, its graduates, faculties and students to the Alumni.
- To offer an environment for the Alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day by organizing and coordinating reunion activities of the Alumni.
- To act as a bridge between college and the industries for interaction on new developments in different fields of engineering.
- Open branches of Association in various parts of the country and across the world.
Alumni Association – Institute Committee
Patron | Principal |
Head | Prof. Kunal Bhoyaniya |
Convener | Dr. Rahul Mehta |
Member (EC Department) | Dr. Rahul Mehta |
Member (IC Department) | Prof. Kajal Nandaniya |
Member (HUM. & SCI. Department) | Dr. Sanghamitra Bhatt |
Member (AUTO Department) | Prof. U. R. Bhuva |
Member (MECH. Department) | Prof. R. L. Patel |
Member (CIVIL Department) | Prof. M. A. Dhankot |
Member (CE Department) | Prof. J. V. Doshi |
Member (ELECTRICAL Department) | Prof. D. V. Bavlecha |
Alumni Association – The Governing Body
President | Mr. Shanee D. Parmar |
Vice President | Mr. Arpan B. Tanna |
Vice President | Mr. Rahul L. Zala |
General Secretary | Deep M. Dudhat |
Secretary | Parimal J. Borsaniya |
Joint Secretary | Amee V. Bhatt |
Joint Secretary | Nirali H. Chavda |
Treasurer | Ravi N. Kansagra |

Dear Alumni,
We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.
Alumni Association is a vital and inseparable component in the sustaining growth of any institute. Its role is to offer a strong foundation for creating a concrete platform and student friendly environment as well as to connect alumni and students enthusiastically for long term collaboration. This is achieved by organizing various meet ups and events periodically to encourage knowledge sharing and career guidance by means of industry and institute interaction, resulting in long term strong and sustaining bonding even after leaving the institute.
Alumni Association of GEC-Rajkot (AAG) is working in-line with its Vision, Mission and Objectives with the motto of ‘Bridging the Gaps…’. AAG, with an enormous support from its core team members, students and alumni, is gradually reaching to its each alumnus and virtually bringing all of them back to the institute and efficiently connecting them to all current students by means of various social media publicity and events through variety of communication mediums.
AAG is grateful to its affiliated institute GEC-Rajkot for extending its fabulous support in terms of motivation and guidance as well as for supporting and accommodating all the activities in the premise, especially providing dedicated alumni office.
The Team AAG-GECR, is committed to provide the spark for igniting the fire within each member of the association to help, contribute and serve for the betterment of student fraternity.
It is just a beginning to the memorable journey to the next level of success and for setting up the milestones for the next generations of students to come.
Stay Connected, Keep Learning and Contributing.
Dr. Rahul Mehta

I am thankful to all the staff members of GEC Rajkot for teaching us not only academics but also the important values like brotherhood, humanity, honesty, Innovativeness and the diligent citizen of the country.
In government engineering colleges, most of the students are from rural background. So after completing graduation we should help our motherland, village and the society. It is our duty to extend our guidance to the next generation for their better future.
We should stay actively connected through the medium of alumni association. The medium will help us grow together. By following this practice, the association will become an example in building the nation.
In addition to this, we should inform about our research and projects to our teachers and technical world, to make the organization proud. As a part of our social responsibility we should inform students about job vacancies we come across.
Being an Alumnus of the institute, I thank all the faculty members who have contributed to my journey at GECR as well as I equally feel responsible to contribute to my Alma Mater being a Chairman of the Alumni Association.
Er. Shanee Parmar
ADDRESS: Government Engineering College, Rajkot,
Mavadi-Kankot Road, Kalawad Road,
Nr. Hanuman Mandir, Rajkot-360005, Gujarat, India
ANDROID APP : PlayStore APP Link : Click
Directions: GPS Location: Click Here